Ganymede & Titan

The BBC's Guide to Comedy

This is a simply excellent website. Something in the region of 15,000 shows, mainly BBC but with a good selection of programmes from other channels, are included in the BBCi Guide To Comedy, and, naturally, Red Dwarf is one of them. The entries are by Mark Lewisohn, and were published in 1998 as the quite superb Radio Times Guide to TV Comedy; they have however been significantly revised for both the website and an upcoming new edition of the book.

Anyway, the write-up on Red Dwarf is a good one, with the exception of the following mistakes:

You can also browse the database by person. Have a look at: Chloe Annett, Chris Barrie, Ed Bye, Craig Charles, Rob Grant, Hattie Hayridge, Danny John-Jules, Robert Llewellyn, Norman Lovett or Doug Naylor. Or don't. I don't care.


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