Ganymede & Titan

Starbug Laser Etchings

A laser etched Starbug. I NEED IT NOW.Good Old Big Blake, who seem to be the only RD fansite updating recently apart from us. Wah! Anyway, just a little tidbit from them about the much fabled Starbug laser etchings from The Stamp Centre - apparently, they are now due in January. Man, everything is delayed in RD-land these days. You may remember that back in August we were told they had been "delayed for 6/8 weeks roughly". Very roughly, yes. Let's hope there aren't yet more delays, as it looks possibly my favourite piece of merchandise ever.

To keep us going, however, on the same page is a new set of gravity pens, which Ian mentioned a few days back - for �14.95 you get a set of six. Now, can we please, please have at least one piece of merchandise with the original Red Dwarf ship featured? Is that too much to ask?


Furthermore, why does the Holly one have two Normans, instead of a Norman and a Hattie? It's madness.

Posted by Ian Symes at December 8, 2003 12:01 PM

Maybe it's a licensing issue. Perhaps it's cheaper and more relevant to include just the Holly who will be gracing our screens during the movie. Is it merchandise to celebrate the series as it has been, or to promote the film?

If it's the latter, why take fresh photographs of the series III-V Holly? Because as far as they're concerned, Holly defaults to Lovett. The female version, despite being in three whole series, is equivalent in a way to alternative reality versions of the other characters.

Posted by Trunchkin the Violator at December 9, 2003 10:17 AM

Well, there's no *fresh* photos of anyone; they're all exisiting publicity shots. It's simply unfair to exclude Hattie - she was very good in the role. I fail to see why they can't have both.

Posted by Ian Symes at December 9, 2003 11:27 AM

Are the illuminated keyring versions available now?

Posted by Cpt-D at December 9, 2003 01:21 PM

Are the illuminated keyring versions available now?

Posted by Cpt-D at December 9, 2003 01:21 PM

I don't think so Cpt-D - I think it all has to wait for January.

As for the movie issue - I really think these are meant as tie-ins for the TV series, seeing as the movie hasn't even started shooting yet. You could well argue that they want to keep one version of Red Dwarf around, using only characters that are in the movie - but in that case, are they really saying that the film will use the Re-mastered ship? (The Corgi models were once announced as movie tie-ins, but that link seems to have disappeared.) Let's face it, if the movie looks anything like VIII, then the last thing we'll be worried about is gravity pens.

I think it's silly for every piece of merchandise to have a version of the ship on that was very badly recieved by most fans, and more importantly was never used when Dwarf originally got popular. The same can be said for Hattie - apart from the DVDs (which is admittedly very good) she seems to be widely ignored in merchandise, despite being in three of the most popular series of Red Dwarf.
Which is just silly.

Posted by John Hoare at December 9, 2003 01:52 PM

"Well, there's no *fresh* photos of anyone; they're all exisiting publicity shots."

They look like shots taken around the series 8 period to be honest. None seem to derive from as far back as series 5.

Posted by Trunchkin the Violator at December 9, 2003 03:57 PM

That bottle stopper is shit. Anybody says they want that are stupid.

Posted by Mates of Mine at December 9, 2003 04:01 PM

Trunchkin - they're all relatively new, yes, but I meant that none have been taken specially for the pens, which is what I thought you were implying.

Mates Of Mine - I've got the bottle stopper. So shut up.

Posted by Ian Symes at December 9, 2003 06:15 PM

"Mates Of Mine - I've got the bottle stopper. So shut up."

But it is shit though, isn't it? Anyway, you *would* be stupid to say you want it if you've already got it.

Posted by Rankly Bason at December 9, 2003 07:12 PM

Havings seen piccies of all three bottle stoppers, I can reveal the TRUTH:

Kryten = Quite good
Starbug = Superb

Now adjust your opinions accordingly.

Posted by John Hoare at December 10, 2003 08:01 AM

Bottle-top Kryten looks a mere pewtered tinkering of Michael Jackson.

Posted by Mates of Mine at December 10, 2003 09:59 AM

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