Ganymede & Titan

Corgi Models Disappear

A photograph of the Red Dwarf Corgi model. Where is it?Now, this is very strange. Cpt-D has got in touch with us to point out that the Corgi Red Dwarf and Starbug models (which we last reported on in October) have been pulled from RDSUK. They were due to be released on the 14th November; Cpt-D had them on pre-order, and they haven't arrived. What's worse, is that the models have also been pulled from Corgi's site.

Interestingly, however, Collectiques list the Red Dwarf, Starbug and the twinpack as coming "January 2004". It's difficult to take this too seriously though, when it's announced that the models are "From the 2003 movie". Hmmm. What is clear is that it's not very good for RDSUK to pull the models without warning, and not get in touch with people who have it on pre-order. It's almost certainly just a delay of some sort, but it pays to keep your customers informed.

Cpt-D is continuing his investigations, and we'll make our own enquiries too. We'll bring you more news as we have it. Yes, I'm Peter cunting Sissons. Fuck off.

UPDATE (9:00pm): The models have reappeared on RDSUK. See the 5th comment from Cpt-D for details. I'm afraid I have to say it: What a guy.

UPDATE #2 (9:00am 21/11/03): Corgi have now stated in an e-mail to Cpt-D that there have been delays, and the products will now be avaliable in March 2004. And the models have disappeared again from RDSUK.


Okay, so let's say that you buy these things. Your very own Red Dwarf and Starbug. It's not difficult to imagine you ripping them from their packaging with great glee, placing yourself chest-down on the floor, and shuffling across the carpet, eyes fixed on Red Dwarf or Starbug at "top speed".

From here I go blank though. Would you make an engine noise with your mouth, or what?

Posted by Lately Becoming at November 18, 2003 04:36 PM

Personally, I'd go "Pcwrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" and fly Starbug around trying to make an accurate engine noise. I'd could have great fun for hours with that. No, days.

I'd probably use the Red Dwarf one to pick my nose, or something.

Posted by John Hoare at November 18, 2003 04:42 PM

I would probably super glue mine to the Monitor..
After I'd gone Brmmm, Brmmm several times just for
old times sake...

Posted by Cpt-D at November 18, 2003 04:52 PM

Cog them along the carpet, but be careful not to clog up the wheels and axles with dust and/or short strands of hair (what from?). Also take care not to wear the tiny wheels down (a sort of thread-bare effect would happen, with some parts of the plastic (the thinner parts?) paler than others. Overall seeming chewed).

On this subject, did anyone else here chew lego tyres in days gone (or still?)? I mean tyres that were on lego cars, not tyres made of lego. Whenever I chew gum now, and the flavour goes, and I chew beyond that point (something else happens here but I think it's only detectable to some people), I announce "lego tyres" to whoever I'm with at the time as I throw it in the bin. Nobody ever gets it. Do you? Are you one of the special ones?

Posted by Betamax at November 18, 2003 08:41 PM

Very strange, but the 'Models' have re-appeared tonight on the shop..The best sellers list was also devoid of models earlier today and is now showing 2,3 & 4 with nothing next to them...The Corgi site is still missing any reference to them..An email earlier from RD's shop said that an email would be sent out with an explanation shortly and said that Corgi were to blame, but Corgi had promised to release them ASAP..Very Odd.
all these goings on have happened in the last few days..It looks as though this is all down to Corgi.

Posted by Cpt-D at November 18, 2003 08:50 PM

How deliciously bizarre.

Posted by John Hoare at November 18, 2003 08:58 PM

A bit boring if you ask me. Some images and descriptions go missing and reappear and now some poor soul needs to write an e-mail of explanation, Corgi "taking the blame" as if anyone was really livid about this. I personally would be sitting in that office thinking "don't these people have anything better to do with their time than to moan about the slightest inconsequential fluctuations on our website?"

Posted by Simcard at November 19, 2003 11:06 AM

It's not really about fluctuations on a website; the models were supposed to be launched on the 14th November, as I said - and some people had them on pre-order, and weren't informed of any changes to the schedule. That *is* news; at least, for a Red Dwarf site.

Posted by John Hoare at November 19, 2003 12:53 PM

Well what rubbish!
I sent for them for my cousin's 9th birthday present... which is next week, so now he wont get a present from me *cue sympathetic noises*
hang your heads in shame, Corgi x(

Posted by Beck at November 19, 2003 01:36 PM

Yes Mr Simcard, some of us pre-ordered as Xmas
presents...The fact is the Shop has once again broken a promise to it's users, as they did with the delivery of the series III DVD's...This time it is down to Corgi, who by the way have removed
all traces of the product from their site (some time in the last couple of weeks)....I'm pissed off because having tried to support the on-line shop I have been let down again, not that I'm blaming them...If I treated the Customers in my job like this, I wouldn't have customers anymore..
Ok, so it's not the end of the world as you point out, But it is annoying all the same, and indeed News..

Posted by Cpt-D at November 19, 2003 01:47 PM

The interesting thing is, of course, that whilst RDSUK not only listed the models on its website, but actually named a release date, hasn't really even mentioned them. And they did an article on the Starbug Playset a while ago. Seems a bit odd, really. I don't think we can draw any conclusions from it though, beyond the fact that the release date probably wasn't completely official (although seeing as RDSUK is affiliated with the official site, it's pretty close to being one.)

Also, the point about it not being news: even if there wasn't all this pre-order business, and the models weren't supposed to be avaliable yet - it'd still be news, because it would indicate a delay to Red Dwarf merchandise. And delays and release dates = news, in my opinion.

Actually, having just checked RDSUK - the models seem to have disappeared again! Is it the same for everyone else?

Posted by John Hoare at November 19, 2003 02:34 PM

No the're not there again, and the gaps have now
gone from the best sellers list...Oooh Hide and seek, now you see them, now you don't..Whenever a querie is raised on regarding the shop, Andrew tells people to contact the shop and not GNP..which is what we have done.

Posted by Cpt-D at November 19, 2003 05:24 PM
January Eh !

Posted by Cpt-D at November 19, 2003 11:56 PM

I mentioned that in the news article.

Any further response yet from RDSUK, Cpt-D?

Posted by John Hoare at November 20, 2003 07:58 AM

None whatsoever...It would be interesting to know how many people have pre-ordered them..

Posted by Cpt-D at November 20, 2003 09:25 AM

AH, Wendoline has forwarded me an email from the shop saying Corgi have a manufacturing problem and are correcting the moulds, the models will hopefully be out early in 2004 etc etc...
I assume all pre-orderers will recieve this email shortly...Still no reply from Corgi as least we know now..

Posted by Cpt-D at November 20, 2003 02:40 PM

Correcting the moulds? Does this mean they're making them Red Dwarf-shaped? If so: excellent!

Posted by Ian Symes at November 20, 2003 03:25 PM

Since when have Corgi models actually looked like what they are supposed to be ?...Sorry that was slightly unfair..

Posted by Cpt-D at November 20, 2003 03:57 PM

The official Corgi response, just in..
"Dear Steve

Thanks for your e-mail. I apologise for the delay in replying but advise that I have been awaiting response from our Head Office. Unfortunately, due to delays with packaging these items are now not going to be available until March 2004. I apologise for any disappointment caused."

I have now had the email from the shop as per Wendolines as well.

Posted by Cpt-D at November 20, 2003 05:27 PM

What gets me, is why someone can state a release date without knowing if that date will still stand in a months time, or wheneva. There suppose to be professional people, who have no doubt been in the situation a number of time in the past... shouldnt they learn from their mistakes?

Posted by Beck at November 20, 2003 07:11 PM

To be honest, I'm less concerned about that (these things happen - although admittedly release dates that keep slipping and slipping are annoying), and more concerned about the fact that nobody seems to be going out of the way to be doing any official announcements about anything. Yes, some people have e-mails - but there should be official announcements about what is happening on the Corgi site, and on RDSUK. After all, we *were* told 14th November; if they weren't released on that date, there should have been an announcement of some sort on both sites (even if just one to say "Sorry for the delay - more details shortly"). Not just a removal of the products leaving everyone confused...

Posted by John Hoare at November 20, 2003 07:26 PM

I've probably said too much on the subject, but
with the 'let down' on the DVD's arrivals as well,
some official comment would have been nice. And you would think 6 days after the supposed release date, the shop & corgi would get their story's the same !

Posted by Cpt-D at November 20, 2003 10:25 PM

What's exactly the 'let down' on the DVDs?! They're coming out in February, there's been no delay or anything. *So what* if America get to see a digital-quality version of Danny John-Jules' 'Meltdown' fluffs before us?

If you were a Blake's 7 fan you'd have a heart attack.

Posted by Darrell Jones at November 20, 2003 10:47 PM

I think he meant RDSUK delivering the Series III DVDs late.

Posted by Ian Symes at November 20, 2003 11:18 PM


I'll just get into this hole, shall I?

Posted by Darrell Jones at November 20, 2003 11:38 PM

"I sent for them for my cousin's 9th birthday present..."

Evidence (proof) if any were needed that these products are children's toys and you are all being exceptionally childish for wanting to own them. Follow Crouton's example here and shift them into the hands of your 9 year old cousins if you must buy them.

"Oh but they must never be scuffed (they are collectables not toys) and 9 year olds scuff things."

No! Wrong! Crouton completely ruins your defense so stop arguing. Now go to bed because you're getting tired and nearly falling over (see dehydration, page 42).

Posted by Iodine Capsules Available in't Foyer at November 21, 2003 12:07 AM

But I want to go "Pchrwarrrrrrrrrrr" and fly Starbug round the room, man!

Posted by John Hoare at November 21, 2003 07:59 AM

ah well i have them corgi models on order on order and that big starbug model from galaxy 4.
but i can wait, cause they cannot take money off u till u have the goods :)

Posted by klariza at November 25, 2003 12:40 AM

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